Overseas Chinese Christian Business Directory registration (Free membership for Christians)

Please fill in the name for your company or website

Please do not misuse exaggerating words, like "Best" or "Biggest". Be humble and honest.

Your Website address (URL)

For example: http://www.yourdomain.com

Your Business nature

For every company, you may enter a maximum of 3 lines of business
For example: Estate Agent, Legal, Finance, Photography, etc. Please enter according to your own business nature.
Our website reserve the right to have final decision on your business classification.

Your business coverage

Please use a short and clear statement, not more than 40 words.
For example: Advertising Design, Webpage Design, Multimedia Information, Image Promotion, Economic Analysts etc.
Please do not enter your Website name as www.yourdomain.com
Our website reserve the right to have final decision to edit the Business Description of your Website.

Contact Information

Contact Name :


Fax :


Contact Address :

Information of Christian belief

Do you confess with your mouth and believe in your heart that Jesus is the only Saviors, and there is no other God besides HIM.

Yes / No

Brief history of your faith. (hint: a short testimony of belief is great)

The above testimony will only be kept as reference, and will not be used, or published.

If you missed any of the 2 columns above, we may choose to ignor your application.

Your Church of Belonging(Name of your Church):

About the 10% donation

If you could get any extra business out of this Website in future, we encourage you to donate 10% of your profit (not including your partners, unless they agreed) back to your own church or places that God inspired.
This commitment you make with God, does not have to include all other business that you do (of course, we encourage you to do so), only profit within extra business out of this Website.

Agree / Does not agree

Please put a circle on you commitment to God.



Please check carefully for all input information.

The informaiton will be delivered to us, once you pressed "Send", we will inform you of successful registeration via e-mail.

The registration form is written using standard E-mail format, if the PC you are using does nto have Outlook or Netscape to send E-mail, we may not be able to receive your application. If you do not receive any reply from us in a few days, please try again using another PC with this software applications.

If you know of any Business brothers and sisters, please encourage them to register, such that he/she will be blessed, and so does his/her Church. Only if we be united in Christ, we could care and bless each other.
If your interested friend do not know how to operate a PC, please be patient and help him/her out.

May Jesus, our God of Abundence, bless your business.

E-mail Us